MINERVA: Model drIveN and sErvice oRiented framework for the continuous business process improVement & relAted tools


Methodological Dimension / Business Process Continuous Improvement Process (BPCIP)



This page contains the elements comprising the Business Process Continuous Improvement Process (BPCIP) which is developed as an Eclipse Process Framework Composer (EPF Composer) method plug-in. The first link allows navigating in the BPCIP Web site generated by the EPF Composer, the second link presents experimental material associated with BPCIP.      


The Business Process Continuous Improvement Process (BPCIP) aims to guide the continuous business process improvement of BPs implemented by services, by means of extending the business process lifecycle (Weske, 2007) with explicit execution measurement and improvement activities.

In each of the four phases of the business process lifecycle we have added an execution measurement activity to guide the execution measurement effort in an explicit way. Once the execution data from the business processes is analyzed in the Evaluation phase, improvement opportunities are found and must be integrated into the business processes in a systematic way. The improvement activities are based on PmCOMPETISOFT (Pino,2009) developed as part of the COMPETISOFT project (Oktaba,2007).

We have defined a Business Process Execution Measures Model (BPEMM) in which key measures for business process execution are defined following the Goal/Question/Metric approach (GQM) and using the Software Measurement Ontology (SMO) to specify them. The BPEMM is the core of the measurement activities we have added to the business process lifecycle. In Fig. 1 the complete BPCIP lifecycle for continuous improvement of business processes is shown.

Fig. 1. MINERVA BPCIP lifecycle with execution measurement and improvement activities

We have also integrated the Business Process Service Oriented Methodology (BPSOM) for service oriented development from business processes, to guide the navigation from the Design&Analysis phase to the Configuration phase of the business process lifecycle, in which business processes are implemented, along with the defined execution measures to log.


Key Publications:





Author: Andrea Delgado 2010