11th July 2024
Our colleagues Marcela Genero and Mario Piattini, together with professors Óscar Díaz and Jeremías Pérez have published the article“Adding Relevance to Rigor: Assessing the Contributions of SLRs in Software Engineering through Citation Context Analysis” in the journal Computer Science Review published by Elsevier.
In the article, the authors ask whether the efforts in rigor when conducting Systematic Literature Reviews (SLRs) compensate in terms of relevance. To this end, they introduce the Resonance Schema, a set of categories that characterize the types of uses a reference article makes of an SLR. This schema can serve all interested parties: SLR producers as a kind of "resonance rubric" that succinctly captures the contributions that SLR makes, SLR consumers who might benefit from the ease of detecting contributions of interest (e.g., PhD students looking for research gaps), and SLR reviewers might turn to the Resonance Schema as a tool for evaluating contributions that merit SLR publication.