13th June 2024
Our colleague Manuel Serrano, together with researchers from the GSyA group at UCLM and professors from LUT University, Nantes Université and Firat University, participated in the kick-off meeting of the European project Di4SPDS (Distributed Intelligence for Enhancing Security and Privacy of Decentralised and Distributed Systems, PCI2023-145980-2), held in Lappeeranta (Finland) organized by LUT University on May 20 and 21.
At this meeting, the progress of the different work packages was discussed, collaborations between the different teams were fostered and the current status of each work package was evaluated. During the productive meetings, the progress of each node was shared and it was verified that the project is progressing correctly according to the initial planning.
During the closing meeting of the event, the schedule of periodic online meetings was organized, considering the need to hold several face-to-face meetings.
The next face-to-face meeting will be held in Ciudad Real (UCLM) in the spring of 2025.