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  • How to help university students to manage their interruptions and improve their attention and time management  

    26th July 2021

    Our colleagues Aurora Vizcaíno, Ignacio García, Antonio Manjavacas, Félix García, José A. Cruz-Lemus and Manuel Ángel Serrano have published the article "How to help university students manage their interruptions and improve their attention and time management".


    This paper describes a novel experience that has been carried out during several courses at the Escuela Superior de Informática of Ciudad Real of the UCLM, whose objective is to help first year students to manage their time and to know how to control the continuous interruptions that we "suffer" every day due, among other causes, to the use of social networks.

    The results of these training sessions, evaluated in the various editions carried out, have revealed an improvement in how students managed their time and interruptions, which has motivated us to continue with this activity and encourage other universities to carry out similar activities, given the benefits obtained by the students.

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