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  • A decision-making support system for Enterprise Architecture Modelling

    04th March 2020

    Our colleagues Francico Ruiz, Ricardo Perez and Mario Piattini, have published the article entitled A decision-making support system for Enterprise Architecture Modelling in the magazine Decision Support Systems from the publisher Elsevier.

    Article Summary

    Companies are increasingly aware of the importance of Enterprise Architecture (EA). EC modelling has become critical to achieving models that accurately represent the behaviour of companies and lead them to make appropriate business decisions.

    Although EC representations can be modelled manually by experts, automatic EC modelling methods have been proposed to address the drawbacks of manual modelling, such as error prone, time consuming, slow and poor readjustment and cost. However, automatic modelling is not effective for more abstract concepts of EC, such as strategy or motivational aspects.

    This is why companies are demanding hybrid approaches that combine automatic and manual modelling. In this context, there are no clear relationships between input artifacts (and mining techniques) and the views of EC that need to be modelled automatically, nor are there relationships between the roles of experts and the views that they could contribute in manual modelling.

    As a result, companies cannot make informed decisions about the assignment of experts to EC modelling projects, nor can they choose appropriate mining techniques and their respective input devices. This research proposes a decision support system with a genetic algorithm at its core.

    You can download the article here.

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