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  • Measuring the right thing and doing the right thing

    17th March 2020

    Our colleagues Francisco Ruiz -on the right in the photograph-, Manuel Serrano and Lydia Prado have been interviewed by the Tribuna de Ciudad Real about their project on the depopulation of the region which has been financed by the Diputación Provincial de Ciudad Real.

    "If we measure wrong we will do wrong"

    The sentence of the Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz is key to understanding the reasons that lead to the use of tools and multiple data when dealing with depopulation, since it is not enough to see only the number of inhabitants but to be attentive to other types of variables. " The first thing that must be clear is that in depopulation it is not valid to analyse the provinces because within a province there are completely different situations".

    The analysis that they have carried out since the ESI addresses the problem of depopulation with a 20-year perspective, which allows us to see the time of "the economic crisis and the collapse" but also "the population boom during the brick boom" that began at the beginning of the century. To reach the conclusions published by the Provincial Council last year, his team collected data, "all that was available, for all sites in Spain, to know the best possible situation of each municipality. In fact, the professor argued that "depopulation is the consequence of a number of factors" and the first analysis was aimed at having all the data and disaggregated at the local level.

    The figures that were collected are the most accurate available. For example, for the census, the INE microdata were acquired, purchased, in which the figures can be seen person to person, anonymously, in order to know where the person lived, to which municipality it was changed, in which month and in which year. "It's millions and millions of data" that were used in the first analysis they made in collaboration with the teachers of the Human Geography degree, among them Professor Ángel Raúl Ruiz Pulpón.

    For this reason, Francisco Ruiz points out that in depopulation it is necessary to "choose the right indicators".

    The intention is to design a map with all the data analyzed in that document to be used by mayors and county agencies to develop policies to stop the loss of inhabitants.

    Other links in the news:

        La Tribuna de Ciudad Real -- Diputación financia un mapa web frente a la despoblación
        La Tribuna de Ciudad Real -- Medir lo correcto y hacer lo correcto

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