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    22th January 2021

    Our colleague Ricardo Pérez del Castillo, together with Prof. Alfonso Niño, both from the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Tecnología de Talavera de la Reina, funding during the next two years to carry out the project SMOQUIN, on the modernization of software towards hybrid quantum computing information systems. The funding has been obtained within the National Plan for Scientific Research of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (FEDER).

    The SMOQUIN project aims to provide a software modernization approach (model-based reengineering) to restructure classical systems together with new or existing quantum algorithms and thus provide new systems that combine both computing paradigms. These types of solutions will be indispensable for companies in the coming years, as they will progressively need to add quantum computing to some or all of their daily business operations. Since not all classical information systems can be retired, it is expected to progressively add necessary quantum algorithms that will be integrated into classical information systems.

    The SMOQUIN project is part of the Quantum Software Engineering research line that the Alarcos Research Group develops in collaboration with Alhambra IT within the aQuantum consortium.

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