8th ECOOP Workshop on Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering (QAOOSE 2004) |
Oslo, Tuesday June 15th 2004 |
EXTENDED DEADLINE - April 16th Presentation The proposed workshop is a direct continuation of seven successful workshops, held at previous editions of ECOOP in Darmstadt (2003), Malaga (2002), Budapest (2001), Cannes (2000), Lisbon (1999), Brussels (1998) and Aarhus (1995). The QAOOSE series of workshops has attracted participants from both academia and industry that are involved / interested in the application of quantitative methods in object oriented software engineering research and practice. Quantitative approaches in the OO field is a broad but active research area that aims at the development and/or evaluation of methods, techniques, tools and practical guidelines to improve the quality of software products and the efficiency and effectiveness of software processes. However, as a result of the previous edition and in order to open the workshop participation to a broader audience, the 2004 edition extends the scope of the workshop to quantitative approaches to other than object-oriented modeling, specification and programming methodologies and technologies. In particular component-based systems (CBS), web-based systems (WBS) and agent-based systems (ABS) will also fit into this new edition. Although wider in scope, the workshop will keep its original name for continuity sake. The relevant research topics are diverse, but include a strong focus on applying empirical software engineering techniques. Like in previous years, submissions of position papers are invited, but not limited, to the areas of metrics collection, quality assessment, metrics validation, and process management. During the workshop there will be some sessions for presenting position papers and a plenary ‘working’ session for summarizing, evaluating and assembling the research results and for identifying future research opportunities. Participation in the workshop is by invitation only, i.e. based on the submission of a position paper. All submitted position papers will be formally reviewed by the workshop organizers for originality, relevance, quality and clarity. We specially encourage the submission of new ideas, even if not fully validated yet. All invited participants will be asked to summarize the contributions and limitations of the work they will present. Springer-Verlag has been publishing yearly the ECOOP Workshop Reader as a LNCS volume. We expect the 2004 edition of this book to include a report from the QAOOSE’2004. This report is edited by the QAOOSE organizers and will provide a summary of the workshop, including the major issues discussed and the conclusions drawn collectively. The report may also include additional info about the current research being carried out in the area and open research directions on the workshop themes. A summary of the presentations made by each of the accepted submissions for oral presentation will be included in this report. The LNCS book can be purchased from the ECOOP’2004 organizers or directly to Springer-Verlag. A paper-based proceedings of QAOOSE’2004, including all accepted position papers, will be distributed to the participants. An electronic-based edition of the same proceedings will be made available in the workshop website.