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Contact us


Alarcos Research Group
Escuela Superior de Informática
Paseo de la Universidad, 4
13071 Ciudad Real (Spain)
Tfno: +34 926 295300 ext.96678
Fax: +34 926 295354

Ciudad Real

Ciudad Real (which means ‘Royal City’ in Spanish) is a city located in the Southern Central part of Spain, in the region of Castilla-La Mancha, which is the “Don Quixote” region. A transport connections level, it is very well located as the high speed train allows fast access to the major cities of Spain:

How to get to Ciudad Real

In this document, we’ll give you instructions, links and details about how to get to Ciudad Real once your plane has landed in Spain.

The main locations are pointed in this map:

You arrive at Madrid-Barajas Airport ( ), which is located at the north of Madrid. At this point you’ll have to decide between arriving by car or by train to Ciudad Real: