This website contains the information necessary to carry out the experiment carried out in the paper entitled “How maintainability relates to the energy consumption of software?”.

This study has been designed, developed, and reported by the following investigators:

For any information, interested researchers can contact us by writing an email to the highlighted investigators.

We make all our raw data, scripts and results publicly available for replication or reproduction purposes. Our goal is to strongly encourage other researchers to contribute to this field of research, by reproduction and replication of our results. We are confident this will stimulate the community towards new and interesting findings.

    1. Data.rar – Raw experimental data.
    2. Images.rar – Plots of the post-processed data.
    3. Scripts.rar – Scripts utilized for the gathering and processing of experimental data.

Energy consumption of software has been becoming increasingly significant, since it can vary according to how the software has been developed. In recent years developers and researchers are interested, among others, in analysing how energy consumption evolves when changes occur from one version to another in any given software. Thus far, the only studies available are theoretical papers that reinforce the idea that maintainability may have an influence on energy use, but this needs to be proven empirically, which is the goal of this paper.
We present an empirical study to see if there is a relationship between energy consumption and maintainability of various versions of RedMine. Maintainability has been evaluated with SonarCloud and energy consumption measures have been captured with the EET device. The results obtained show that the number of lines of code affects both the energy consumption of the processor and the total consumption of the computer where the software is run. It is intended that the results from this work should serve as a basis for the undertaking of new empirical studies which will enable the relationship between software maintainability and the energy efficiency of that software to be better understood.