25th March 2024
On March 21, 2024, the corresponding nodes represented by the Research Groups Alarcos (University of Castilla-La Mancha), Quercus (University of Extremadura), and Deusto for Knowledge (University of DEUSTO), have participated in the annual coordination meetings of the QSERV Project (Quantum Service Engineering: Development Quality, Testing & Security of Quantum Microservices, Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER Funds, PID2021-124054OB-C32).
In this meeting, the researchers of the nodes have presented the progress made during the last months, discussed the proposals for their coordination and integration, and planned the next collaborative actions to be carried out during the coming months.
Likewise, and as a result of the interventions, a series of events have been discussed that will see the light during the coming months, and oriented within the theme of the project