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  • Alarcos Group has been developing for more than three decades different software development and maintenance methodologies, and especially in the last decade, agile methodologies that have been applied in different companies.

    · Using Scrum to guide the execution of software process improvement in small organizations. Francisco J. Pino, Oscar Pedreira, Félix García, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Mario Piattini. J. Syst. Softw. 83(10): 1662-1677 (2010).
    · A software maintenance methodology for small organizations. Francisco J. Pino, Francisco Ruiz, Félix García, Mario Piattini. Agile_MANTEMA. J. Softw. Evol. Process. 24(8): 851-876 (2012).
    In collaboration with the KUALI-BEH group, led by Hanna Oktaba, we participated in the development of a part of the "Essence Kernel and Language for Software Engineering Methods" that has been adopted by OMG as a standard.

    · The making of an OMG standard. Miguel Ehécatl Morales-Trujillo, Hanna Oktaba, Mario Piattini. Comput. Stand. Interfaces 42: 84-94 (2015).
    In order to alleviate the problems faced by organizations, especially SMEs, in complying with various quality and/or service and software engineering models and standards, a method was developed to carry out harmonization in a systematic and effective manner.

    · Harmonization of ISO/IEC 9001: 2000 and CMMI-DEV: from a theoretical comparison to a real case application . Maria Teresa Baldassarre, Danilo Caivano, Francisco J. Pino, Mario Piattini, Giuseppe Visaggio. Softw. Qual. J. 20(2): 309-335 (2012).
    · An ontology for the harmonization of multiple standards and models. César Jesús Pardo Calvache, Francisco J. Pino, Félix García, Mario Piattini, Maria Teresa Baldassarre. Comput. Stand. Interfaces 34(1): 48-59 (2012).
    · A harmonization framework applied in two case studies .César Jesús Pardo Calvache, Francisco J. Pino, Félix García, Maria Teresa Baldassarre, Mario Piattini. J. Syst. Softw. 86(1): 125-143 (2013).
    · Proyecto ARCA: Armonización de marcos de calidad y seguridad de software.
    A process improvement framework was developed for SMEs, consisting of a Process Reference Model, a Process Evaluation Model and a Process Improvement Model, which has been widely used by Ibero-American industry and has contributed to significantly improving its level and quality. This model subsequently gave rise to the ISO/IEC 29110 standard.

    · Assessment methodology for software process improvement in small organizations . Francisco J. Pino, César Jesús Pardo Calvache, Félix García, Mario Piattini. Inf. Softw. Technol. 52(10): 1044-1061 (2010).
    · A research framework for building SPI proposals in small organizations: the COMPETISOFT experience . Francisco J. Pino, Félix García, Mario Piattini, Hanna Oktaba. Softw. Qual. J. 24(3): 489-518 (2016).
    · Proyecto COMPETISOFT.
    · Web de COMPETISOFT.
    · COMPETISOFT: Mejora de Procesos Software para Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas y Proyectos. Editorial Ra-Ma. 2008.
    · ISO/IEC 29110 para procesos software en las pequeñas empresas. Editorial AENOR INTERNACIONAL. 2019.
    The Alarcos Group participated in the PMSING project (Methodology for the Management of Singular Projects) with the company GRUPO EIDOS CONSULTORIA INFORMATICA S.L.U., financed within the call for grants of the Programa Hito (Haciendo Investigación Tecnológica Orientada), of the Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla - La Mancha (Regional Ministry of Education and Science of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla - La Mancha). As a result, a methodology was defined to effectively and efficiently manage "singular" system development projects, i.e. projects that, due to their complexity, duration or opportunity requirements, did not fit adequately to the classical project management methodologies.

    · PMSING (Metodología para la Gestión de Proyectos Singulares)
    AENOR requested the collaboration of the Alarcos Group to create a national framework, based on the ISO/IEC 15504/33000 family of standards, which could be more effective for companies than the different CMMI models. The framework has been approved by almost a hundred companies, taking into account its two versions MMIS V1 (based on ISO/IEC 15504) and MMIS V2 (based on ISO/IEC 33000).

    · A maturity model for the Spanish software industry based on ISO standards . Javier Garzás, Francisco J. Pino , Mario Piattini , Carlos Manuel Fernández. Comput. Stand. Interfaces 35(6): 616-628 (2013).
    · Modelo de madurez de ingeniería del software Versión(MMIS). AENOR ediciones. 2014.
    · Modelo de madurez de ingeniería del software Versión 2.0 (MMIS V.2). AENOR ediciones. 2018.
    · Evolución en la certificación del desarrollo software.
    · ISO 33000 Organizaciones Certificadas.

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