Archi Plugin: Viewpoint DevOps

This plugin allows Archi users to have an overview of the elements that interest DevOps team members.

You can download the plugin here.

The Archi user will need to:

  1. Close Archi if it is open
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Copy the plug-in (.jar extension) to the Archi’s “dropins” folder (if this does not exist you will need to create it) (See Note)
  4. Relaunch twice Archi


The default “dropins” folder is located in the following places:

Windows: %user.home%/AppData/Roaming/Archi4/dropins
Mac: %user.home%/Library/Application Support/Archi4/dropins
Linux: %user.home%/.archi4/dropins
("%user.home%" denotes your home directory.)