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  • Indicators for rural
    population diagnosis

    24th April 2023

    Francisco Ruiz participated as a speaker at the round table 'Indicators for the rural population diagnosis', as part of the conference ‘Rural.Real – Public Policies for the rural population’, organized by the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) and held in Ciudad Real on April 20 and 21. Our colleague, professor Ruiz, explained the importance of conceiving and using appropriate measures and indicators in order to make the right decisions. As examples for the specific case of the demographic problem in rural areas, he presented two indicators defined in his previous work on depopulation, which make it possible to measure much more adequately than the population density , a simple average, the way in which the population is distributed among the inhabited nuclei of a territory (dispersion index) and the proportion of the territory that is inhabited (degree of inhabited territory). These issues are relevant in rural development policies because costs of services and infrastructure are highly dependent on them. For example, it costs much more the daily transport to school of 20 children spread across 10 villages than to transport the same number of childrens but all together in a single town. In addition, he also explained with examples some difficulties that often arise when applying data science and data engineering to these phenomena due to the frequent absence of data, or to its lack of quality, for rural areas (sparsely populated municipalities).

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