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  • Minimizing incident response time in real-world scenarios using quantum computing

    14th June 2023

    Our colleague Manuel Ángel Serrano together with researchers from the GSyA group, the University of Cantabria and the University of Bari, have published the article "Minimizing incident response time in real-world scenarios using quantum computing" in the Software Quality Journal of Springer.

    This paper presents a novel approach based on adiabatic quantum computing for real environments for security incident response in a real environment in which multiple incidents must be resolved. To solve this problem, we rely on the MARISMA framework and propose a quantum algorithm that reduces the complexity and response time from exponential to constant time by applying adiabatic computing. The paper explains the generation of such a quantum algorithm adapted to the environment and shows a real use case, demonstrating the improvement in the response time of the system.

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